Does Nature really calm your nervous system..?
You are a piece of the moon and the stars, the sun and the sea, the colours of the wind, and everything in between. When you connect with these gifts, a special kind of magic takes place.
You are inherently designed to be calmed and soothed by the healing powers of nature.
A growing body of research is nudging us to pay attention to the beneficial health effects that can be achieved by connecting to the natural world around us: Reduced stress, improved brain function, a deeper sense of calm, a greater response to healing, & more joy in our lives!
Extra time spent in nature may be just the antidote to stress you need right now.
So long as you feel safe, time in nature:
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces stress hormones like cortisol
Calms nervous system arousal
Reduces anxiety
Increases feelings of wellbeing and self-confidence
Increases happy hormones like endorphins and dopamine which leads to elevated feelings of joy and contentment
Enhances cognitive function
Improves immunity
In Japan, “Forest Bathing” is a well-known and very popular wellbeing practice. Also known as shinrin-yoku. Shinrin in Japanese means “forest” yoku means “bath”. The phrase shinrin-yoku literally means to bathe in the forest atmosphere, to devour the forest with all of your senses. The visual joy of sunlight dancing upon the leaves and amongst the branches, the scents of flowers and wild plant life, the sounds of birds and forest fairies, the sensations of fresh, clean air that fills your lungs.
Certain trees contain health-promoting phytoncides, which have been found to calm our mind and body by reducing levels of cortisol, an all too-popular stress hormone.
When it comes to experiencing a deep sense of calm and tranquility in nature, your experience must be divinely unique to you. Identify the places within nature that bring you the most amount of joy and start there. For me, it’s time at the beach with my hubby and puppy, Blue Bear. It’s the sand between my toes, the fresh, salty air that fills my body to the brim. The sounds of waves dancing and crashing, all wild and magic. The way my eyes drink in the majestic, rugged landscape.
The trick is to be fully in it. No phones, no distractions just time to be. Wherever you are, the secrets to unlocking the magic that nature holds for you, can be found within your 5 senses. The taste of a fresh, rich breath. The splash of cool water upon your body - dip your toes in - or the leaves that brush by your skin. The sounds you connect with as you close down your eyes. The magic little treasures you find along your way. Those who seek beauty shall find it. And it can be found everywhere in nature.
Prescription for some nature medicine: Start with at least 2 nature hours in total, per week. Studies have found that humans who spend at least 2 hours a week in nature showed significantly better health measures and psychological wellbeing than those who didn’t. The study recommended time spent in “green spaces” - this included time in the forest, by the sea, or even just strolling through the local park and spending time amongst the trees.
Inhale. Exhale. Be one with the outside world for a little while. See how you feel.